CongoCC Discussion
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All Discussions
JavaCC 21 Reaching End of Line
Making the Lexical Grammar more Flexible (and some related ideas)
[ANN] Syntax Converter Available
Open Question: How desirable is this feature?
Thinking about a coherent CLI...
[Roadmap] Polyglot Problems
[ANN] Tweak to token activation/deactivation.
[ANN] You can now use single-quote strings in regexp specifications
Please check out my article on NFA/Tokenization
LexicalState is possibly misapplied after ACTIVATE_TOKENS
Legacy Glitches in Lookahead
Premature lexer state change
A problem (revealed by) ASSERT in lookahead
A performance data point
SCAN question
Making CongoCC's ASTs more useful
Well... "The Dreaded “Code too large” Problem is a Thing of the Past
Ubiquitous SQL Grammar
Use of BitSet in the C# lexer
Whence the Congo naming?
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